Effective Promotional Strategies in 2020

Don’t you think these days everything is promotional? Even social media is loaded with sponsored posts rather than entertainment. Even though people somewhat like the whole concept of online marketing, it is never a wise choice to make them a target of continuous promotions. You never know what annoys them.
So, rather than stepping into 2020 with all last years’ promotional strategies, you need to give a shot to something fresh. After all, the audience is waiting to welcome new marketing techniques and promotional strategies. At the same time, you can’t go wrong with promotions since your entire brand image is put at stake. Thus, you have to be careful while making a choice.
To help you choose, here are 10 effective promotional strategies in 2020.
Gifts & Giveaways
Believe it or not, but this has to be one of the biggest and most successful marketing strategies. After all, it is quite hard to ignore free products and gifts. So, don’t mind giving a shot to promotional compendiums since you are giving out free products and services in return for thousands of followers, likes, and comments.
Haven’t you seen people vigorously participating in giveaways? Some rules of participation even demand to share your social media page. So, imagine each of the participants doing so, and making you visible in front of their followers. Well, your promotion campaign can’t get any bigger than this.
Opt for Livestreaming
Haven’t you come across notifications like ‘John is live now’. Similarly, if any of the pages go live, all those people who have liked that page get a notification for it. Thus, promoting your brand automatically in minutes. Besides, don’t just come live for fun because no one has time these days. Live sessions are usually for special offers and discounts. Thus, you need to offer value to persuade customers to join your sessions.
Personalize Messages
Don’t you think bugging customers with your offers overseas would annoy them? They are looking forward to what you have for them on the plate rather than what you are offering to people around the globe. This is where the concept of personalization comes into play. You have to break the grounds by personalizing messages for customers.
It is quite simple; you have to keep track of data by pulling off in-depth research on changing trends and tastes of the customers. Many brands have a misconception regarding the whole concept of personalization because adding ‘names’ is not enough. You need to dig into the stats to analyze what customers are looking for.
Engage with Influencers
Believe it or not, but 2019 was the era of influencers. People were following and trusting the popular social media influencers blindly. Well, things haven’t changed now, influencers are still whirling in the market. So, how about you also collaborate with influencers for some promotions? They would charge some bucks for their word of mouth but would make your services and products visible to a huge number of audiences. Sounds great, no?
Work with Chatbots
Indeed, artificial intelligence is taken the world by a storm. Businesses and brands are enjoying the benefit of it, and there is no point in resisting technology either. Even though this isn’t a new concept, but it is still trending, and businesses are rooting for it. Customers like it when brands are responding to their queries at even the odd hours. Thus, promoting your brand by driving some potential leads towards your website.
Exclusive Content
Many businesses face difficulty while choosing the topic of their content. After all, creating unique and genuine content is not a piece of cake. It is an outcome of days of research and hard work. However, the availability of some tools has made things like a cinch. There are some websites offering insights into customer data, giving you a full-fledged idea of what customers are looking for.
Alongside content, you have to keep up with visual content too, especially infographics. These days the audience is liking the duo of ‘information and pictures’ together. So, don’t mind creating these for all your blog posts.
Besides, don’t forget about the content that already exists on your website. You need to keep that updated too because trends have been changing throughout. People won’t be interested in looking at the same old things again. Thus, continue updating your content with the changing dynamics of the market.
Email Marketing Campaigns
Email marketing can never go out of fashion. Although some people don’t pay attention to promotional emails, it is still doing wonders for many businesses out there. Sometimes, users are looking forward to emails for special discounts and promotional offers. However, don’t go crazy with email marketing because customers would end up hitting the unsubscribe button. Personalize your messages and offer value to convince people to open your emails.
Lead Magnets
Do you know what lead magnets are? This is the first thing that appears on the website when a user clicks on it. Usually, it is an exchange offer – ‘drop your email to subscribe newsletter’, ‘Get 5% off now by dropping your email.’ All these are promotional strategies super important for email marketing. You offer discounts, freebies, gifts, in-exchange of promoting to customers. So, if lead magnets are missing from your websites, you need to start working on them now.
Entertaining Videos & Transcribing
Unsurprisingly, videos have been high in demand for a few years. Well, 2020 is no different – people can’t resist obsessing on videos. Besides, stats provide some crystal-clear evidence. 92% of the people watching videos on mobile share them. What could be better than your video doing rounds on the internet?
However, you need to hunt for content that has a huge demand because boring videos are of no good. At the same time, you need to get started with video transcribing too. These days people like watching videos with some sort of subtitles. Plus, you are also making your videos available to people who can’t hear rather than missing out on that particular chunk of the audience.
Focus on Keywords
Previously, brands and businesses were drooling over long keywords. Well, now people are smart enough to detect that they have been a target of a promotional campaign. It does nothing except for annoying them to the core due to which they might press the ‘unlike’ or ‘unfollow’ button. Thus, businesses need to adopt strategies that don’t call for obvious promotions. Therefore, try using short or medium keywords by making them sound natural and pertinent to the content.
Wrapping Up
With the progress of digital marketing, businesses and brands have come up with some impeccable promotional strategies. Users are quite willingly accepting these promotions, but excessive promotions are never a wise decision. If you are skeptical about your marketing strategy, then don’t mind looking at the 10 effective promotional strategies in 2020 mentioned above.