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At Hashtag we can help your brand to connect with your target audience.

We can help your brand grow

Content Creation

Content Publication

Social Media Buzz

At we enable brands to connect with and motivate digital audiences by publishing news and custom web content to generate social media buzz. is an entertainment and information resource focusing on hypercurrent topics.

Hashtag is a NewsServices.compublication.

For advertisers and publicists, the great thing about is that people care. People talk about what is on the pages each day. It’s the conversation people are having at the water cooler. Hashtag will continue to deliver great results in 2019. To find out how your brand can harness the power of Hashtag and its social media buzz, across all platforms, speak to your sales representative. 

Contact us - 1300 660 660 or email

Reach us for commercial, publishing, advertising and editorial discussions at or call 1300 205 504

About us

Hashtag by is a leading independent digital media and tech business publishing news and entertainment content to a global audience. Our employees and contributors are reporters, writers, digital creators, brand strategists, public relations professionals and more.

Hashtag creates or publishes news stories, investigates and reports on a huge range of topics across our sites and mobile apps, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest and more. We use leading technology and the latest data metrics to provide information for our customers.

At Hashtag, we strive to connect people with suppliers of the products and services that they need and simply to entertain. Get in touch with your story ideas, advertiser content submissions or content suggestions.


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