Feature your brand on Hashtag
For advertisers and publicists, the great thing about Hashtag.net.au is that people care. People talk about what is on the pages each day. It’s the conversation people are having at the water cooler. Hashtag will continue to deliver great results. To find out how your brand can harness the power of Hashtag and its social media buzz, across all platforms, speak to your sales representative. 1300 660 660 or email office@newsservices.com
Letters and Feedback
How can I send a news tip, photo or video to the newsroom?
Please share your tips and content with us via our content upload address.
How do I send a letter to the editor?
All letters must be SIGNED and include the writer’s full name, address (not postal) and telephone number.
Send them to Letters to the Editor, email office@newsservices.com. Include full address and telephone number.
Keep them short and keep copies. They may be edited for legal reasons or clarity.
For advertisers and publicists, the great thing about Hashtag.net.au is that people care. People talk about what is on the pages each day. It’s the conversation people are having at the water cooler. Hashtag will continue to deliver great results. To find out how your brand can harness the power of Hashtag and its social media buzz, across all platforms, speak to your sales representative. 1300 660 660 or email office@newsservices.com
Letters and Feedback
How can I send a news tip, photo or video to the newsroom?
Please share your tips and content with us via our content upload address.
How do I send a letter to the editor?
All letters must be SIGNED and include the writer’s full name, address (not postal) and telephone number.
Send them to Letters to the Editor, email office@newsservices.com. Include full address and telephone number.
Keep them short and keep copies. They may be edited for legal reasons or clarity.