Different Running Energy Gel Options

When it comes to running a marathon, it is impossible not to consider the benefits of energy gels.
There are so many energy gel options on the market today which can make your running much less miserable, and they can come in the form of shots, pouches and even hydration kits, which are all available on our online store.
With an effective running energy gel in place, we can ensure that you will be feeling better as you approach those last few kilometres of your big race.
What is the best energy gel for running?
To establish what the best energy gel on the market today is for your individual needs, we first need to understand exactly how energy gels, as well as similar carbohydrate supplements that are formulated for running performance, work.
Energy gels have been specifically designed for the replenishment of your stores of carbohydrates that will deplete when you’re running. They contain glycogen which makes its’ way through to your muscles and your intestinal walls. Gels tend to “wake you up” quite quickly as your brain will only tend to run on glucose which has been stored in your liver.
There are so many factors which come into consideration when we’re looking at energy gels, and which product is the best fit for you. You may want to ask yourself some of the following questions:
Is your stomach efficient at digestive carbohydrates?
During your run, how many carbs will you be burning?
During your run, how many carbs will you need to replace?
Do I know what type of sugar is contained in my energy gel of choice, and what are the benefits of it?
Is it possible that I will need to change this type of sugar later in the race?
Did I factor in the sugar I will be taking with me in my sports drink?
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly - what is the best type of gel for my needs?
These sorts of questions can help you to establish which is the best energy gel for you, as you will be actively developing a nutrition strategy which is catered for your physiological needs.
When should I use gels during a run?
As with every other facet of running in general, the timing of taking your energy gel is completely individual.
Every single runner has the capability to process and absorb carbs at different rates. This could be anything from three minutes, but it could take another runner anything up to 15 minutes.
The absorption rate variation also correlates with the efficiency of your stomach at digesting all carbohydrates, as well as the different types of carbohydrates that your body is consuming,
It is important to consider that when you’re running hard your body will be diverting blood from your digestive track, which helps to give your legs more blood and oxygen.
Occasionally your body can shut down, and sometimes it can simply slow down. It is not uncommon, therefore, to see runners late in the race throwing up their energy gels as soon as they have ingested them.
This is why it would be better for you to begin taking your energy gels at a relatively early stage in the race. If you take your gels early, you won’t be putting your body under such great duress which means you have a higher chance of processing the sugars into your bloodstream faster without any possible stomach issues.
Where can I buy running gels?
You can purchase a huge range of energy gels from our online store. We have a large variety of notable brands and products tailored to your individual running needs.