Does incontinence mean you might have Alzheimer's in future?

Nothing more is terrible than feeling dead when you are not. Dementia takes away the identity of a person, what makes a person 'the person', and abandons in the world with no guide or manual. It is a nightmare – a brutality of its own kind. We would never want to forget the streets we had played upon, the names we had called, the toys we had broken along some bones, the beloveds and the brutals. But life is known for its playful dice. Is there any chance to predict the future amid the gambling that life does with us? Are there signposts to look at and know if we are on the Alzheimer's way? NDIS Australia indeed does help, but to not get to the point where one might need help is bliss. Many scientific agencies suggest that signs of Alzheimer's or Dementia start to manifest early in the life.
The relation between Alzheimer's and incontinence.
Alzheimer's is a progressive neurological disorder, i.e., it takes over the brain by time (several years). This is when the neurons of the brain start to degenerate and annihilate at last, causing brutal inability to function through life. The early symptoms include frequent memory loss or inability to speak normally (You might want to take the help of NDIS Australia in this case). But how does it relate to urinary or fecal incontinence?
Urinary Incontinence happens due to several underlying factors. Before getting into it, we must first look at how urination happens. Our Urinary System contains several different body parts including Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, Detrusor muscle, Sphincter muscle, Urethra, and Peripheral Nervous System that bridges between the brain and the urinary system. Issues occur when something goes wrong with either one of these organs or the harmony which they work with. Kidney filters out the waste as urine into the bladder through ureters. The detrusor muscle relaxes to allow the storage of urine into the bladder. The moment the bladder comes to brim, the neurons near it send signals to the brain and the brain in return sends two signals - an urge to pee, and another signals to muscles around the bladder and urethra. Detrusor muscle contracts to squeeze out the urine while sphincter muscle opens up the urethra for its way out.
The brain of an Alzheimer's patient does not function properly. This happens when either the neural pathway that helps in sending messages between bladder and brain does not function properly. The other cause is when the patient with dementia forgets where the bathroom is, if s/he is in the bathroom or not, inability to open buttons in time, or neural flaw in the section that governs rationality and morality. When it comes to this, people might need help with pads incontinence Australia. Incontinence pads help the people not get wet with their inability to urinate normally.
Does incontinence mean you might get Alzheimer's?
People with Alzheimer's tend to suffer from incontinence. But what about the other way around? Alzheimer's is a cause and incontinence is a consequence. Although it is logical to think that the way in which Alzheimer's manifests in the early stage suggests a possibility of its happening, incontinence is not a major symptom of it. The chance is near to none. Incontinence happens due to many issues, among which there is one related to neural dysfunction. This neural dysfunction should never be deduced as Alzheimer’s. If you have Alzheimer's, you sure will manifest verbal disabilities or memory dysfunction far before incontinence. Thus, one need not to worry and treat the condition accordingly.
NDIS Australia supports the cause of incontinence and works with many companies that produce incontinence pads for the persons suffering. Psychological stress worsens the condition, and thus it is advised to stay easy and talk to someone you love.