5 Reasons to Study in Perth, Western Australia

You could choose to study just about anywhere. Why choose Perth as the city where you’ll obtain your instruction? There are heaps of good reasons to consider making Perth your education destination, including the following:
Perth Offers Countless Opportunities for Education, Training and Upskilling
No matter what your career goals and dreams are, Perth offers you outstanding opportunities to obtain whichever type of training would best prepare you for success in your vocation of interest. If you’re hoping to secure lucrative work in the trades, you’d most likely want to check out your options for TAFE courses in Perth. If you’re hoping to work at a corporate job, you might want to consider checking out any of Perth’s 5 major universities and their numerous undergraduate and graduate degree programs. No matter what subjects you might have an interest in learning about, you’re sure to discover suitable course options.
Perth also offers other interesting educational opportunities outside the traditional college and university systems. For example, you might want to consider earning a certification offered locally by a trade organisation or technology company.
Perth Is (Ordinarily) Welcoming to International Students
In normal times, Perth’s colleges and universities offer educational opportunities to a diverse group of students from all over the world. The recent situation resulting from COVID-19 has served to put a temporary restraint on international travel to Perth for the purpose of studying; however, it is worth noting that Australian officials have recently made changes to the visa review process to expedite the processing of international student visas. One could infer from this action that there is hopefully the possibility of a speedy future resolution to the situation.
Perth Offers Some of the Most Affordable Housing in Australia
Housing in Australia is relatively expensive as compared against housing in many other parts of the world. However, housing in Perth generally tends to be far less expensive than it is in other Australian cities, particularly compared to Melbourne and Sydney. You’ll typically find numerous attractively priced rental units available close to Perth’s colleges and universities. If you find flatmates to share living quarters with, you can often stay in Perth quite inexpensively.
There Are Heaps of Fun Things to Do in Perth
When you’re not in class, would you enjoy sunning yourself on some of the world’s most stunning beaches? How about popping over to Heirisson Island to check out the kangaroos? Or going surfing, snorkeling, diving, kayaking or swimming? Rottnest Island is another attraction that’s well worth visiting. That’s before you even get into all the fun options for shopping, bar hopping, dining out and seeing the local sights in Perth.
Perth’s Sunny Summers and Mild Winters Provide a Comfortable Living Experience
Do you enjoy spending time out of doors in warm weather? If so, you’re likely to absolutely love Perth’s sunny climate. Perth is considered to be one of the world’s most liveable, comfortable cities.
These aren’t the only reasons you might want to choose to study at one of Perth, Western Australia’s many academic institutions. However, these are 5 of the most compelling reasons many students make the decision that Perth is where they want to get educated.