C-Wise Peel habitat

Western Australian organic carbon recycling business C-Wise has been doing its bit to help birdlife in the Peel region.
Sticking with C-Wise’s theme of generating new life from recycling carbon, a similar scenario is playing out on their Nambeelup site as it has become a thriving habitat for many species of birds.
Over winter, the flooded paddocks and wetlands on the site support several breeding species of waterbirds. Black Swans, Grey Teal, Pacific Black Duck and Australian Shelduck all breed in the wetlands and are joined by hundreds of non-breeding birds.
The ponds associated with the composting business support breeding Pied Stilts, Red-capped Plover and Red-kneed and Black-fronted Dotterel. With the site being generally closed to the public, breeding can take place free from disturbance.
As well as these native Australian species, the ponds also attract bird visitors from much further afield. Species which breed in the Arctic and spend the northern winter in Australia make good use of the ponds to build up their fat reserves before heading off on the long flight to their breeding grounds.
While the waterbirds and shorebirds get most of the attention, the diversity of habitats on the site support many other species. All up, Mandurah Bird Observers — an affiliate of Birdlife Australia — have recorded about 135 bird species on the site.
C-Wise CEO Andrew Maiden says the company takes a holistic approach to the site, with benefits for biodiversity.
“The habitat has a positive impact on the community and that is our intention when operating in the Peel region,” Mr Maiden said.
“As an environmental business we look at the whole story, including the way we manage the landscape in which we operate.
“Our business has been able to create an environment which benefits fauna.
“We’ve demonstrated how industry and the environment can coexist. We integrate within that environment without causing any issues for fauna or the local community.”
Birdlife Australia’s Ken Monson has been one of those involved in recording bird activity at C-Wise and says the Peel habitat is truly remarkable.
“The migratory species that call C-Wise home are of national significance,” Mr Monson said.
“With good management, the site has become a safe refuge for fauna and avifauna.”
The C-Wise site could also bring added benefits to the region as well, with the habitat having the potential to become a valuable tourist destination.
“This is a really important natural asset for the Peel region,” Mr Maiden explained.
“It has the potential to attract bird watchers from overseas, which is a multi-billion travel industry around the world, with benefits for the local region.”
About C-Wise:
C-Wise is a Western Australian company that recycles and processes organic “waste”. Started in 1996, the business vision is ‘A world where soil carbon is valued’. C-Wise processes a range of recyclable organics, which produces a carbon-rich compost that is then added to the soil to improve soil health and productivity. This passion to maximise soil efficiency stems from the belief that there is no other choice if we want to maintain or increase current crop productivity without degrading our water and soil resources.