Common Myths about Eyeglasses You May Have Heard of

At our 1001 Optical eyeglasses shop, customers often contact us when they make the first purchase of glasses in their life. During our work, we had to hear a lot of interesting misconceptions regarding wearing glasses. We hasten to share the most interesting misconceptions in this article. Quite importantly, we are in a hurry to debunk these myths, because they can become a real obstacle for those who doubt the need to buy glasses. So, let's get started.
Myth 1. Glasses are ugly, and a person with glasses looks deliberately losing
It's hard to find a more popular myth about wearing glasses. Unfortunately, this myth has been cultivated in our culture since childhood. In fact, wearing glasses can improve not only your eyesight but also your image. Often, glasses are specially appointed by stylists in order to improve the facial features of the client. Could you imagine, for example, Elton John, without his famous collection of glasses? Today, glasses are an element of style, and even those buyers who do not feel the direct need for this often become comfortable with it because it just suits them.
Myth 2. Glass is always better than plastic.
When it comes to lenses of glass, this is far from always true. Plastic lenses today are not only used along with glass lenses, but they are often ahead of them in popularity. Less risk of injury, fewer restrictions – all this contributes to an increase in the demand for plastic among buyers.
Myth 3. Points are selected solely by the shape of the face
This statement is largely incorrect. In fact, glasses should be chosen, first of all, based on the acuity of your vision, as well as the purpose of such an accessory.
Myth 4. Wearing glasses negatively affects vision.
This is fundamentally wrong judgment. Glasses themselves only affect how the rays of light focus on the retina of your eye. Thus, there can simply be no negative effect of wearing glasses.
Myth 5. The selection of points is constant.
A common misconception is that choosing glasses once, you will wear them throughout your life. Vision can change, which means glasses sooner or later can begin to cause you discomfort. In such a situation, it is very important to recognize this discomfort in time and consult a specialist for adjusting the parameters of the points you require.
Myth 6. Glasses glare, which creates additional discomfort for drivers.
This is only partly true. Whether the glasses will glare or not depends largely on the type of lens. If you spend a lot of time behind the wheel, it will not be difficult to pick up glasses that do not glare – this is a simple and effective solution to the problem.
Myth 7. Glasses do not need care.
Many people think that if the glasses do not come in direct contact with the eyes, they do not need any additional care. In fact, you need to take care of both the frame and the lenses. For example, you will have to additionally wipe the lenses with a special microfiber cloth and sometimes rinse them with warm water using soap or a special cleaning agent.
Myth 8. Points do not change over time.
Often you can find cases where glasses in the family pass "from generation to generation." It would seem, why not, if the specifics of the model are suitable. However, in practice, glasses have changed quite a lot over the years. And if it doesn’t occur to you to use children's sunglasses from the 90s. It is also worth abandoning old glasses in favor of new ones. The latest technology has significantly expanded the capabilities of glasses and improved their quality. Do not neglect the achievements of progress.
Myth 9. Headache – a sign of the need to buy glasses.
Such a myth, no matter how funny it may sound, is also common enough. In fact, a headache can be a symptom of visual impairment. However, if you have only a headache, you should turn to other methods of dealing with it - glasses will not help here.
Myth 10. If you started wearing glasses once, get used to it soon because you cannot do without them.
The glasses do not cause any dependence. Another thing is that if you once try to look at the world with “different eyes” and see it in all its glory, then you are unlikely to decide to abandon glasses.
Vision is one of the unique functions of the body that helps a person receive information about the world around him. Humanity has been engaged in its research since ancient times.
Myth 11. Glasses are addictive and impaired.
A very common and untrue myth. When a person begins to wear glasses, it seems that his vision is getting worse. But this is a deceptive sensation. This does not happen because vision deteriorates, but because when comparing the worst vision (without glasses) and best (with glasses), the latter wins. Here are some more myths about eyeglasses that you must know.
Eyeglasses have been surrounded by many myths that have survived to this day – most of them have scientific justification, but almost all of them are either exaggerated or not true. Knowledge is the key when you want to take care of your eyes and your eyesight. But there are many myths circulating. Do you know what is true and what is false? Well, we have debunked some myths for you.