Beyond the nests: Different kinds of bird mitigation devices

Ecosystem is made of living organisms and non-living things that are the biotic and abiotic components of environment. These counter parts have direct interaction and influence over each other which impacts their structural and functional integrity. One such example is of birds and their non-prohibited entry in surroundings vulnerable of disturbance by flight or other activities. Thus, prevention is the need in such cases for which the most common strategy of bird mitigation devices. This is the practice to implement different tools for reducing the negative impacts of birds in specific premises. This is need of agriculture, urban, and industrial areas as these suffer a lot if bird’s interventions are not controlled. The often observed consequences from birds are the damage to properties and even pose health risks to people. The easiest way to do so is the use of physical barriers like traps and deterrent devices (ultrasonic tools).
Types of bird mitigation
Mitigation means “reduction in the severity of any act”. Here, bird mitigation refers to minimization in the exposure, entry, and act of birds in a particular environment. This is meant to reduce the overall negative impact or the potential hazards that are expected from birds. Bird mitigation devices are employed considering the severity of bird attack, value of the properties, and the protection measures. There are different types of techniques for bird mitigation which offer resilience with bird challenges.
Different physical barriers in bird mitigation services
Bird mitigation is mean to ensure bird control or exclusion from spaces that are to be kept safe from them. This can be a garden, farm, wiring area, cables, decorative structures, and commercial places. Birds might seem to be small creatures, but they can cause serious loses, so precautionary measures must be implemented timely. Some of them are listed below:
Bird spikes: The traditional way of installing plastic or stainless steel made physical devices on rooftops, ledges, and other open spaces. This one is effective way to reduce the instances of bird’s landing and roosting. Live bird traps are also used to catch birds without harming species.
Bird netting: The most common bird mitigation is by netting. A physical net, screen, or mesh, light or heavy duty boundary prevents the access of birds. Netting is favourable option when guard is to set for birds in comparatively enlarged spaces like warehouses and gardens.
Different deterrent barriers in bird mitigation services
Ultrasonic frequency: Certain frequencies are unfavourable for birds. Therefore, such unpleasant vibrations are used to detest and avoid their presence. Example is ultrasonic bird repeller.
Visual deterring: Reflective strips and scarecrows as bird mitigation devices are popular solutions to frighten and symbolize risks to the flying birds. This significantly lowers the instances of birds mediated damages, a successful strategy for the safety of gardens, farms, etc.
Acoustic devices: There are sounds that are irritating to birds. By using such tones for bird mitigation purposes, nesting of birds in close vicinity is found in very low number.
Solution based bird mitigation devices
Non-toxic chemicals, gases, sticky gels, repellent paint solutions, etc. are often considered as an alternative strategy as bird mitigation devices. Surfaces are coated with chemicals, safe yet unpleasant for birds, discouraging them from nesting.
Motion sensors with water showers in them are also used for bird mitigation. Encounter with bids within vicinity causes sprinkling of water over birds that stop them from lingering in the space.
Radar system as bird mitigation systems
There are avian radar systems that are developed as bird mitigation devices. These monitor the movement of birds and real time management of potential risks near surroundings like public and commercial places.