Know your rights: 5 tips to handling an unfair dismissal case

If you believe you have been the victim of unfair dismissal, then you likely have legal rights at your disposal. After all, if you were dismissed from your position without having warranted the dismissal, there is no reason you shouldn’t be able to seek legal assistance!
The best commercial lawyer Perth has available will be more than happy to help you with your case, and will take it upon themselves to ensure that you get the best legal aid and representation available.
They will also help you with the following advice:
Evaluate your employer’s dismissal procedure
When it comes to dismissal, your employer must prove that it was just. Unfair dismissal cases are typically won because the employer failed to follow the right procedure. By identifying and keeping track of your employer’s dismissal process - including requesting a written document stating reasons for dismissal - (they must complete it within 14 days) you will be able to see yourself if the process was justified.
Take note of the process
Create a statement of what occurred, starting at the beginning and going to the end with as much detail as possible. It is imperative to record the details whilst they are still new to you so as not to confuse matters down the track. Creating a record of everything that helps you put order to the events, which will, consequently, help the best lawyer Perth has in these issues to find further fault on behalf of your employer.
Provide your legal team with copies
You should then provide your legal representatives with copies of everything, including all letters, your statement, handbooks, contract of employment and any work related documents, ensuring that you don’t leave anything out just because you think it may not have an impact - anything related to the case can have a significant impact on proceedings!
Work to minimise your loss
With all workplace disputes, the person making the claim must work to reduce the financial impact placed upon them. You must be able to prove that you have tried to find a new job, including applying for similar jobs in your field/geographical region. Keep copies of these applications, including all CVs sent and responses collected. The reason for doing so proves that you want to be in the workforce and have suffered significant financial loss through the unfair dismissal. Failure to provide evidence of looking for work will result in missing out on compensation for lost hours.
Take immediate action
You have six months from dismissal in which you can lodge your claim. This time can go by pretty quickly if you find yourself immediately in a new position and forgetting to take action. The sooner you take action the better, especially as the facts can quickly be analysed, they will still be fresh and you can go to work on putting this unfortunate incident behind you once and for all.
If you would like to take immediate action, you have the services of the best commercial lawyer Perth has available at your disposal. They will help you put order to the facts, provide sound legal advice and represent you when you take your former employer to mediation or court proceedings.
So, don’t hesitate: you have the best legal representation there to help you handle this unfortunate mess, receive due compensation and get back on with your life!