How to Prevent Pests in Summer Season

The summer season is pleasant, vibrant and perfect for vacations. But, there is one problem that increases in summer. It is pest infestation. Various pests such as ants, mosquitoes, bees and lizards increase in this season. Home owners need pest control services in this season. The professionals use the best quality treatments and products to eradicate pests. Another way to keep the pest away from the home is to follow some prevention measures.
Why do Pests become Active in the Summer Season?
Bees, moths, bugs, flies and many other pests hibernate in winters. They take a break from the cold environment and hide in their shelters. These pests come out of their shelters in the summer season. They look for food and store it for the winter season. Their activities become too problematic for the house owners.
The pests lay eggs in the summer season. The insects breed in the warmer months and increase their population. Within a few days, the pests become too many in number. They start damaging the property within no time. Clothes, furniture, documents and electrical wires and many things get ruined because of pesky pests.
Lastly, the humidity in the warmer months attracts lots of insects, marsupials and rodents. Cockroaches, rats, borers, spiders and many other pests become too active. The honey bees help in the pollination and preparation of the honey. Generally, people seek help from pest control experts at this time. The experts integrate technology with their expertise and come up with the best pest control plans.
What can be done to prevent the Pests?
The pest infestation is a major problem that many house owners and commercial property owners face every year. Birds, spiders, rodents, fleas and many other pests invade the homes in search of food, water and breeding place. But, there are some simple ways to prevent pests. Have a look at them:
Removal of Food Sources
The pests enter houses to find food sources. It is necessary to remove the access to food for the pests. The food packages must be stored in air-tight containers. Freshly prepared food should be covered.
Removal of Moisture
Check the water pipelines. If there are cracks or holes in the water pipelines or washing machines, they should be fixed immediately. The water leakages increase humidity in the house. The pests increase due to the humidity. By repairing the water pipes and using a dehumidifier, it becomes possible to control the humidity.
Keep the House Organised and Clean
Cluttering the clothes, cupboards, wooden logs and other things in the cupboards, storerooms and garden attracts many tiny pests into the home. Silverfish, bed bugs, spiders and rodents are some pests that increase when cleanliness is not maintained in the house or office. It is essential to clean the house with a vacuum cleaner regularly. It is also important to keep a check on every corner of the house. Webs, burrows and nests should be destroyed as soon as someone notices them.
Use Natural Pest-Repellent Oils
There are many natural products that have strong scents. Spraying the oils made by lavender, eucalyptus, thyme, tea tree, citronella, lemongrass and peppermint can repel the pests naturally. These products may not be effective on severe pest infestation but can work on the mild infestation.
Contact Professionals
The pest control experts have practical and theoretical knowledge about pests and pest eradication methods. Within a few hours, they can dust and spray pesticides in all parts of a house. Professionals choose pesticides properly. Their treatments don’t harm the health of the people. Booking the pest control service can prevent pests for a longer time.
It is common to notice pests in their active form in the summer season. Warm conditions are preferred by almost all types of pests. The prevention tips given above are beneficial in keeping the pests away from the property. Apart from prevention methods, it is important to hire pest control experts every year to keep the property pest-free.