Top sport: why you should get out & play basketball this summer

The New Zealand summer is just about upon us and for many people there is nothing better than to get out with their mates and play some sport in the sun. One of the easiest sports to get out and play with friends is basketball as you only really need a ball and a public court to play!
When it comes to basketball gear, it’s always best to have a top quality ball and some ankle-protective footwear, and then you’re pretty much ready to go in a sport that provides amazing health benefits.
Here are a few of those health benefits and why you should totally get down to the court this summer.
It’s great cardio
Any sport where you find yourself moving quickly, rapidly changing directions and moving up and down a court is great for your cardio. The great thing about basketball is that it is probably the ultimate sport for doing exactly these things!
Sure, if you haven’t found yourself playing too many winter sports this year, your cardio might need a while to boost back up, but it can be guaranteed that if you play basketball even a couple of times a week at the local court then your cardio fitness will be on the up.
It’s great for hand-eye coordination
The best ballers never play with their eyes to the ground: they are always looking up whilst dribbling, knowing where their opponent is and knowing where they can find a pass or shot.
The great thing about this need to dribble with your head up is that it greatly increases your hand-eye coordination. What’s more, this need for dribbling with your head up will also help you improve your balance, as you will be focusing on something below your eye level whilst thinking about making that all-important play.
It helps develop problem-solving skills
Basketball is like a game of fast-motion chess: you have to think before you make a play. And it’s in this awesome way that basketball can be taken into everyday life.
After playing ball a couple of times a week for the summer, you may just find yourself making smarter decisions about everyday situations as well as thinking more tactically about things you do in the workplace - this can only be a good thing when it comes to winning at life as well as on the court.
Reduces stress
One of life’s ultimate stress reducers is exercise, and a fast-moving sport like basketball is one of the best for reducing stress. When you play a sport like basketball, your mind becomes focused on the game, on the task at hand, on making that great pass or layup. This makes basketball an incredibly mindful activity, one that puts you in the moment and helps you forget about your worries.
What’s more, the physical exertion and exercise that comes with playing a big game of ball is enough to reduce any built up tension you may have been feeling throughout your body. You will always leave the court feeling a bit tired and, therefore, more relaxed.
It’s great for your muscles
Basketball is a sport that requires you to perform a lot of repetitive movements using different muscles in the body. There is a lot of jumping involved, which is good for the legs and glutes. Then, there is dribbling and passing, which works the arms and creates muscular endurance.
All the different repetitive motions in basketball are what makes it one of the best sports for your figure!