How does under-eye cream work

It is a terrible cycle of stress-dark-stress-dark. We stress ourselves out, dark circles appear, we look at those black bags before the mirror, we sigh and stress more, and more do they happen. It is a terrible loop of terror. Mr. Elwis had these sags under his eyes too, and Mr. Elwis used to correct people every time about his age too. This is the tale that we all do know. But can we change the script anyhow? And who writes such a script after all? Before we go into the science of men's under eye cream, let's look at the science behind dark circles.
The many reasons for under-eye dark circles.
Although people say that old age tends to bring dark circles under the eyes, not all old-aged do get them. Old age brings bags under the eye, and these bags are due to the sagging of skin. Dark circles are a slightly different phenomenon. There are several underlying factors that lead to dark circles:
Poor sleeping habits leading to stress and circles thus.
Hyperpigmentation leading to the production of more melanin.
Unhealthy diet and lifestyle leading to skin thinning.
Not enough fat around the eyes.
Iron deficiency.
Extreme rubbing of the eyes.
Smoking and drinking.
Dehydration leading to skin conditions and poor body functioning.
Condition inherited through genes.
Certain eye treatments and medicines.
Excessive sun exposure.
We might have thought of these dark circles to merely be related to poor sleep and diet, but as we see there are many other reasons. A thinner skin around the eyes leads to blood vessels being more visible, thus making skin seem darker. Another reason is the micro wrinkles that lead to the creation of micro shadows and thus a visible darker look. Have you not observed that wherever there is wrinkled skin (elbow, toes, groin, etc.) the area seems darker in comparison to its vicinity? This is why skin bags and dark circles occur. Shop Now
The many treatments for those brutal bags.
So Mr. Elwis went and asked the doctor, "Tell me that spell to chant every night and wake up as fresh as a baby in the morning." And the doctor said, "You need not to chant but to sit calm and relaxed like a lupin in the sweet spring air." Things are related, we stress out, this leads to hormonal imbalance, a loss of appetite, weakness, further stress, we pick up that whiskey for some quick relaxation, but it is a terrible loop. The change starts from the very lifestyle at first. Drink plenty of water till you go to the bed. This does not mean you do the hyper-drinking and bloat yourself out like some big bang. A normal-functioning body needs around 3-4 liters of fluid a day (this changes as per the region and climate.)
You certainly might want to buy now some cucumbers - eat almost all of it and apply the remaining on your skin. It soothes the tired eyes and takes down some swelling. Sleep in moderation – over and under sleeping comes harmful for the brain and the brawn. Necessary sleeping hours change by age. Where a baby sleeps the most, an elder sleeps the least. A young adult might need sleep of around 7 hours (though it might change per person.) You also might want to buy now some men's under eye cream rich in vitamins and skin science. A well-researched product can do wonders and bring those sparkles back again into your eyes.