5 Types of Skin Concerns That Can Be Avoided

It’s difficult to avoid spending time in the sun when living in a country with a hot climate. What’s more, there’s nothing quite like spending a day in the sun.
The only problem is that the harmful UV rays that the sun emits can cause severe skin damage. Over and over ended up with sunburned skin, overexposure to UV rays can lead to premature ageing, skin cancer and a number of other common concerns.
Avoiding Common Skin Concerns Caused by Sun Damage
Lines and Wrinkles
Lines and wrinkles are a natural part of the ageing process. However, there’s no need to end up with highly noticeable lines and wrinkles too early in life – sun exposure can do this. In fact, sun exposure is known to cause more premature ageing than anything else. The sun does this by breaking down collagen and elastin in the skin. Without sufficient levels of these proteins, the skin because loose and wrinkles become more obvious. Sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 should be an essential part of your daily skincare regime, even when it’s cloudy outside. This is one of the simplest and most effective steps you can take to avoid unnecessary lines and wrinkles.
Age Spots
Also known as liver spots, age spots are the brown and grey pigmented flecks that appear on the skin. Age spots are the result of the sun causing the skin to produce too much pigmentation on the face, hands and arms. Age spots are harmless but they do have an effect on your appearance. Again, wearing sunscreen is the best way to prevent them from occurring. If you already have a number of noticeable age spots, you can schedule laser and skin resurfacing treatments at a clinic such as Aesthetic Harmony laser skin clinic.
Cracked Lips
Even people who wear sunscreen on a regular basis tend to forget that their lips need to be protected too. Both extreme heat and cold can affect the health and appearance of the lips. Chronically chapped, dry and scaly lips is a condition known as actinic cheilitis. When left untreated, this condition can turn into skin cancer later on. Using a lip balm with an SPF on a daily basis will keep your lips protected and moisturised.
Sagging Neck Skin
The face initially shows some of the most noticeable signs of ageing – then there’s the neck. It’s natural for the skin of the neck to start sagging with age but excess sun exposure can cause this to happen a lot faster. Collagen and elastin levels also affect the appearance of the neck, which is why it’s essential to apply sunscreen to both the face and neck on a daily basis.
Red Patches
Actinic keratosis is a condition that’s caused by long-term exposure to the sun. The condition creates reddish, brown patches on the skin and makes it look scaly too, almost like scabs. Unfortunately, this condition can also turn into cancer if it’s not treated. If these patches appear on your skin, it’s essential that you see a dermatologist. To prevent the condition, it’s important to protect your skin from the sun.
These skin conditions are all very common but they can be avoided by making a simple change to your daily skincare routine. If you are going to be spending prolonged periods of time in the sun, take extra steps and use hats, eyewear and clothing to protect your skin.
For any signs of skin damage that are already present, seek out the assistance of a skincare professional that specialises in skin resurfacing.