More Australians to benefit from ‘Move It AUS’ funding

Sport Australia CEO Kate Palmer says a new $28.9 million participation grants program will build on the strong foundation of the “Move It AUS” platform, giving sport and physical activity providers even more resources to improve the health and wellbeing of all Australians.
Applications open today, Monday 7 January, for the Move It AUS – Participation grants program, which will be managed by Sport Australia.
The program aims to build awareness and understanding of the importance of physical activity across all stages of life, particularly focusing on getting inactive people moving in their local communities.
Grants for the four year program can start from $25,000 for local sport and physical activity organisations, through to $1 million grants for National Sporting Organisations who can deliver large scale initiatives that align with the Federal Government’s Sport 2030 National Sport Plan.
This latest initiative is part of the Move It AUS campaign and a suite of programs being managed by Sport Australia to raise the physical activity levels of all Australians.
The Move It AUS Community Sport Infrastructure program will deliver more than $56 million in grants in 2018-19 for projects that deliver better sporting facilities for communities. Some 223 projects have been announced already, with a second stage of projects to be determined in February.
The $22.9 million Move It AUS – Better Ageing grants program is specifically aimed at assisting people aged 65 and over to be active.
“The Move It AUS - Participation Grants are the next step in our commitment to get all Australians more physically active, and we’re excited about new and extended partnerships with sports and physical activity providers to make that happen,” Palmer said.
“We know through Sport Australia’s AusPlay research that many Australians have sedentary lifestyles - 3.5 million Australians aged 15 years and over participate in sport and physical activity less than once a week. Sport 2030 sets a goal to reduce inactivity by 15 per cent by 2030. These grants will empower organisations to come up with innovative ways to get Australians moving.”
One study predicts Australia faces $88 billion of extra health and social costs over the next 10 years if people don’t get moving.
“With ever-increasing demands on our time, the physical and mental health benefits of sport and physical activity have never been more important than now,” Palmer said.
“Sport Australia’s Move It AUS campaign encourages every Australian to Find Your 30, which is 30 minutes of heart-rate raising activity every day.
“By working to bring sport, government and business together across the Move It AUS platform, we are confident we can achieve the change needed to make Australia the world’s most active, sporting nation.”
Applications for Move It AUS - Participation grants will remain open until 18 February, 2019. Guidelines are available at