Racing into reality: how sim racing makes you a better driver

Sim racing is designed for outrageous fun and to help develop your skills on the actual track. Let’s take a look at three ways sim racing can help you become a better driver.
You gain (almost) real-life experience
If you have the best home racing simulator, then you can bet that the technology it uses is as close to actual driving as it comes. Racing simulators use technology to scan tracks and produce bumps, turns, corners, kerbs and camber changes that are like the real deal!
You have to hit your mark straight away
Sim racing helps you understand the contours of a track that could potentially make you lose time. You can learn how to handle a kerb so that when you land back on the track you don’t lose time, or you can learn how to take corners in a way that optimises your speed. This is important as, like with real racing, you have limited time to make your stance on a race and therefore have to improve your skills in a lifelike scenario.
It helps you improve your consistency
Arcade racing doesn’t help a driver improve their consistency. But with sim racing, you have to learn how to be consistent over 10 laps as opposed to having three good ones and a couple of dodgy ones. This is where sim racing really steps it up in regards to becoming a better overall racer.
The amount of skill and effort that goes into a sim race is meant to replicate that of real racing, with everything from the way you handle your vehicle to the vehicle’s engineering and course specifics all having an influence on learning your craft and, more importantly, learning to do it consistently.
Improve your concentration
Sim racing helps you manage your concentration over longer periods of time. Racing can have an impact on your concentration, especially if you’re driving for over 40 minutes at a time. But sim racing helps you work on that concentration and facilitates the need to get into the zone with every race you partake in.
You will do heaps of laps, ensuring that when you get out onto the actual track that you will be ready to take on the gruelling, mentally challenging aspects of real-life racing.
It helps you develop your craft
Is there a specific move you always dream about trying on the actual course but would never dare? Is this move too outlandish, too risque to attempt when you hit the actual track? Well, with sim racing, you have the opportunity to practise moves in a life-like setting that you would otherwise be too apprehensive to try on the course.
Not only this, but sim racing helps you develop the finer points of your craft. Things like corners, kerbs, acceleration and braking are imperative to a top driver’s repertoire, and the ability to practise these essential skills on repeat is one of the ultimate features of sim racing.
By the time you take your newfound skills to the actual track, you should be able to notice a huge difference in your skills before you entered the awesome world of sim racing.
It’s simply the best way to improve your skills off-track
You can’t be on the track all the time (as much as you probably want to!). But this doesn’t mean you can’t practise your skills in the most technology advanced way possible. Sim racing technology helps you improve your racing skills in a way that is one step off the real thing, and this can only be good for pro drivers.