Style & safety: 6 awesome benefits of home security screens

Home security can never be overlooked. In this era of inflation and economic insecurity, the risk of burglary and home invasion is amplified, and so home safety should be placed higher on the priorities list. Whilst people routinely think of alarm systems and large fences to keep intruders at bay, they rarely consider the helpful benefits of installing these powerful doors.
So, what are some of the outstanding benefits of installing uber tough security screens?
They are (obviously) tougher than standard doors
Duh, this is their ultimate purpose, after all, so you would hope that they have the strength to keep unwanted visitors out and out for good. They are constructed from materials like steel and aluminium, making them far tougher than your standard door situation. What’s more, they maintain their aesthetic elegance as the years go on, attributing to their quality reinforced steel or aluminium materials.
They are stylish whilst being super safe
Top quality security screens will create the perfect combination of style and safety. Just because you are enhancing your home’s safety it doesn’t mean you have to have a subpar aesthetic - these doors actually increase its aesthetic! They come in a range of styles that will make your home look amazing, ensuring your home will look all the more stylish without the worry of someone busting it down (thus ruining its style and messing up your home!).
They increase your home’s value
A safer home is a more valuable home. Think about it: if you’re in the process of selling, and people come for a walkthrough, do you think they would prefer to buy a place with enhanced safety? Or one that with a door that looks like all it needs is a good kick to knock down?
Not only does the increased safety add to the home’s value, but the door’s new and fresh style will also go a long way to increasing its value, too.
They can be installed at the back door, too
It’s not just your front door that can benefit from enhanced safety, with the back door also being the perfect place to install top quality security screens. This is perfect for anyone looking to create a robust safety system around the home.
They obstruct people’s views from the outside
If you also don’t want people to easily see in through your front door you can trust that these designs will obstruct their view whilst allowing for good airflow throughout the warmer months of the year. This is great for people who love to let a little fresh air in without having the neighbours see their every movement and keep out mosquitos in the process.
They can withstand a range of attacks
You want a design that is going to be able to withstand a range of attacks, and this is exactly what these doors are made for! From pull tests to jimmy tests, knife shear, probes and blunt instruments, you can be sure that these designs are made to withstand pure, unbridled force. No longer will you have to worry about someone kicking in the door to invade your home, or will you have to worry about it being jimmied open - you can trust that these doors are the safest option in the game!
So, as you can see, these doors are the best way to keep the intruders at bay. Smart, safe and reliable, you can be sure that they will keep your home secured year-round!