How Pets Spoil Your Carpet and What Can You do about it?

It is a lovely experience to nurture a pet. Cats, dogs and various furry animals are raised in many Australian houses. But, there is a problem associated with pets. They can cause a little damage to the carpet. Even well-trained dogs or cats can make your carpet look filthy. In order to maintain the aesthetic value of the floor cover, the house owners have to book carpet cleaning Sydney services regularly. Professionals use advanced methods to clean the carpet. Have a look at how the pets spoil the carpet:
Fur Shedding
Fine hairs and furs of pets are quite visible on the carpet. Pets scratch their skin and hairs fall from their body. Sometimes, pets fall sick and the rate of fur shedding increases. When there is a pet at home, you cannot skin vacuuming for even a single day. Furs not only ruin the look but also work as allergens. When inhaled by humans, the hairs and furs may trigger allergies.
Pet Urine
When the pets are untrained, they can ruin the carpet by peeing on it. Sometimes, trained pets urinate on the carpet due to anxiety or sickness. The stains formed due to pet urine are hazardous to health as they can spread infection. The odour from urine stains can be horrible. Not only carpet, but other upholstery products can also get ruined because of pet stains.
Saliva Stains
It is common for pets to leave saliva stains. These spots can’t be removed with a wet cloth. Also, they become tough and dark with time. You must seek help from experts if your carpet has been taken over by saliva stains.
Muddy Paws
Tiny paws of the pets become wet and muddy when they go out for a walk. If you allow the pets to relax on the carpet soon after coming from the garden, they would surely leave a few stains. Dirt must be cleaned immediately otherwise it would become hard to remove.
Flea Infestation
Fleas are tiny parasites that survive on the blood of animals. If your pet has brought a flea on its body, you need to take some action. Within a few days, fleas increase in number and spread on the carpet. They can even lay eggs under the carpet.
What can you do to prevent the Damage Caused by Pets?
Stains, odours and other issues related to pets can be resolved only by professionals. As soon as you find urine stains excessive furs or intolerable odours on the carpet, ask the experts to clean the carpet.
The cleaners have powerful vacuum cleaners and they can remove dead skin flakes, hairs and other dander with ease. Next, they use stain removal solvents to eliminate the tough pet stains. No matter how hard the stain is, experienced cleaners can remove it.
For the removal of dirt, mould, and debris, professionals utilise modern cleaning techniques such as steam cleaning, dry cleaning, hot water extraction and shampooing. To remove the odours and germs, the specialists make use of the best-quality deodorants and sanitisers. Along with professional help, you can follow these tips too:
Use a vacuum cleaner daily for cleaning the carpet.
Don’t leave the stains untreated for a long time.
Place rugs on the carpet and train your pets to sit on them.
Buy a pet house or basket to limit the play area for the pets.
Keep a check on your pet’s health. If they scratch their body too much, consult a vet.
It is a big responsibility to raise a pet. Stains, moulds, dust particles and debris on the carpet can affect your and your pet’s health. So, try your best to maintain the cleanliness of your carpet and hire experienced cleaners to keep the hygiene, freshness and shine of the carpet intact.