What are the causes of work accidents in coal mining?

Importance of coal mining for Australia
Except for South Australia, every state in Australia mines coal. It is exported after being used to generate power. 54% of coal mined in Australia is exported mostly to East Asia.
Coal also accounts for about 85% of Australia's electrical generation. Moreover, compared to other countries, Australia is the world's largest coal exporter.
As such, coal mining is in a very important position for the country. For the sustainability of such an important sector, attention must be paid to security measures.
Types of accidents and causes
Types of accidents
Work accidents occurring in underground coal mining are generally classified as follows:
* electrical accidents,
* gas and coal dust explosions,
* explosive substance accidents,
* fall of roof,
* accidents related to transportation,
* flooding,
* fires,
* poisoning caused by gases
In coal mining, the most common accidents are those related to fire and explosions, especially fall of roof.
Causes of the accident
The causes of accidents can be examined in three parts as direct, indirect, and main causes:
Direct causes: Toxic, explosive gas, dust, etc. These are the causes caused by hazardous materials, high energy sources such as electrical and chemical, and radiation.
Indirect causes: can be specified as "unsafe working" and "unsafe working conditions".
Working conditions without taking necessary safety precautions used to mean unsafe work include faulty or inappropriate use of equipment, failure to maintain and repair equipment in a timely manner, not using protective materials, alcohol, or drug addiction.
As for unsafe working conditions inadequate warning systems, possible fire environment, toxic atmosphere, noise, and insufficient lighting can be given as examples.
Main Causes: The main causes of accidents can be classified as follows:
management's disregard for work safety policy and practices (such as not providing adequate controls, not taking necessary precautions, not providing safety equipment to workers)
factors related to personnel (such as insufficient training of workers, insufficient physical strength, careless work, acting without complying with the determined rules and security measures)
environmental factors (accidents caused by reasons such as temperature, humidity, pressure, dust, gas, steam, noise, lighting, etc.)
If you have a work accident while working in a coal mine, do you have the right to claim compensation as a result?
Yes. If you have an accident while doing any job in Australia, you have the right to claim compensation for it. Of course, every situation is different, as not all jobs carry similar risks. In addition, sometimes the requirements may vary depending on the state you are in.
Let’s say, for example, that you are a worker in Western Australia, and you have an accident while working. If you don't know what to do legally in such a situation, the personal injury lawyers in Perth will advise you on what to do.
So how much does a lawyer in Western Australia charge for a workers' compensation claim?
The fee to be demanded is of course something that can vary from lawyer to lawyer. But in such a case, if you choose to work with no win no fee lawyers in Perth, you will not be obligated to pay the lawyers' legal costs and disbursements out of pocket.
You can learn more about your compensation rights and no win no fee policy by contacting Withstand Lawyers.