Identifying Stimulant Induced Psychosis

Stimulants are commonly abused drugs among teens and adults alike. They are highly addictive and provide that euphoric, calming, yet mood-lifting effect. That's not all, though! Stimulants boost dopamine levels in the brain, and the effects depend on the drug and the amount taken. You can take stimulants orally or through injection, which can cause stimulant-induced psychosis with repeated use.
What is Stimulant Induced Psychosis?
Stimulant induced psychosis is a condition that affects people who abuse psychostimulant or illicit stimulant drugs. It's very common in individuals who take very high doses of illicit stimulant drugs. People who abuse prescription medications like Adderall, Cathinone and Dextroamphetamine are also highly susceptible.
The most common drugs are cocaine and amphetamines, and The Hader Clinic assists patient with such addictions. Other factors determine the development of psychosis symptoms. These are;
The type and dosage of stimulant ingested
The dosage
The person's stress levels
Stress deprivation
Underlying medical conditions
What are the symptoms of drug-induced psychosis?
Some drug users suffer from mental illness, making it hard to identify the symptoms caused by drug use. If the condition isn't related to drug use, the symptoms won't subside after discontinued use. On the other hand, the schizophrenic effects subside after drug abstinence.
This isn't true for long term drug users, though! For some, the effects may last for years after cessation of use. Nonetheless, the symptoms of induced psychosis are gradual, and the signs to check out for are;
Emotional changes
Isolation & social withdrawal
Lethargy and lack of motivation
Speech incoherence
Violent behavior
What substances are responsible for inducing drug-induced psychosis?
Certain drugs affect the functioning of your brain. With continued use, almost all drugs can result in psychosis symptoms on the user. But, some have a high likelihood of doing this. These are;
Cocaine &Amphetamines
These are stimulants that can lead to psychosis symptoms lasting for days or months after cessation of use. Long-term use of such drugs can cause memory loss and concentration issues.
Drugs like PCP ( Phencyclidine) and LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) affect users by mimicking actual psychosis. They may not induce psychosis symptoms after the first use, but the signs are more prevalent with longer and repeated use.
Most people use cannabis for medicinal or recreational purposes. And many aren't aware of the potential effects of the drug. However, the effects of High levels of THC on the brain can cause psychosis effects and hallucinations.
Where can I get stimulant addiction treatment?
If you or your loved ones experience the signs of psychosis mentioned above, you should seek help promptly. Most rehabilitation clinics offer treatment and support for people suffering from stimulant drug addiction and will examine you for stimulant-induced psychosis.
In the course of treatment, the doctor will administer different medications to manage the symptoms and discomfort. What's more? You'll also undergo therapy sessions to help you deal with the psychosis episodes.
In summary
The common stimulant drugs that you take every day can adversely affect your health. However, most rehabs help addicts with stimulant-induced psychosis and can support you to regain your normal livelihood. If you're experiencing and psychosis signs, talk to your doctor, and he or she will refer you appropriately. Besides, various rehabs are willing to help people like you.