

BRISBANE, Australia, July 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As calls grow to reduce work from home practices and have all staff working back in the office, survey data has shown almost half of Australian employees would be more likely to turn down a job offer if the employer refused to let them work from home.

Of the 980 Aussies who participated in the Budget Direct Contents Insurance Work from Home Survey, 45 per cent said that a 'no work from home policy' would be a determining factor in their acceptance of a role.

Sixty-one per cent of respondents said that they preferred a hybrid work approach as it assisted them to improve their work/life balance.

"Working from home became the norm as Australia adjusted to life after COVID – with many businesses committing to the option to keep up with a growing demand," a Budget Direct spokesperson said.

The current attitude towards flexible working reflects the post COVID trend in the Australian workplace which may now be difficult to reverse.

What will also be difficult for workers is getting used to the commute time again. This was reflected by the 40 per cent surveyed who said this was the main downside of working in an office.

Most workers surveyed said they wanted to work at least part of their week at home, but  the ability to do so was often linked to the specific role and requirements.

The perceived downside of working from home, and perhaps the key to getting staff to return to the office, is the lack of social interaction which almost a third of respondents said was a deterrent to working from home.

Post COVID-19, social isolation and loneliness have been major concerns worldwide. Loneliness and social isolation can negatively impact Australians' mental and physical health.i

For participants aged 28-37, the lack of social interaction was a consideration, more so than other age group.

Of participants in this age group, 30 per cent said they mainly worked in person for social interaction purposes.

For the full breakdown and further insights see the Budget Direct survey here.

Authors: PR Newswire

Read more https://www.prnasia.com/story/archive/4462219_AE62219_0

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