
can you spare a few minutes for The Conversation?

  • Written by Molly Glassey, Audience Development Manager, The Conversation
can you spare a few minutes for The Conversation?

Today we’re launching our reader survey and asking if you can spare a few minutes to let us know your thoughts on The Conversation and how we can improve the service to you.

You can complete the survey here.

Since launching in March 2011 we have become one of Australia’s largest independent analysis and commentary sites. Internationally, we now have newsrooms in the UK, US, Africa, France, Canada and Spain and work with 49,500+ academics globally. Our monthly audience has grown to over 11.4 million users (unique visitors) each month onsite and a reach of more than 35 million via creative commons republication.

But we’re also looking to continue to grow and get better, which is why we want your input.

The survey will remain open for about a week, or until we have a large number of responses.

Your individual responses will be confidential but we will share the overall results with you. Though we can’t respond to all comments and suggestions made via the survey we do read them all and they all play a part in shaping what we do next.

Thank you for taking part – we really appreciate it.

Authors: Molly Glassey, Audience Development Manager, The Conversation

Read more http://theconversation.com/reader-survey-can-you-spare-a-few-minutes-for-the-conversation-110891

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