How Will a Domestic Violence Charge Destroy My Life?

Due to the massive amount of abuse, more women are assaulted by domestic violence than any other form of violent crime. Domestic violence is often a battle between two people who were once in love, which makes these arrests more common. It is not hard to see how a domestic violence charge may ruin your life and can lead to prison time. While everyone wants to see the accused wrongdoer punished, this should not be at the expense of an innocent defendant's freedom and reputation.
Reasons Why a Domestic Violence Charge Can Destroy Your Life
Domestic violence charges are serious and can have a devastating impact on your life in the following ways.
You will Be Tagged a "Batterer"
Domestic violence charges can make you look like a violent abuser. This is especially true if your accuser has a history of making false accusations or exaggerating the truth. Even if you are innocent, you could be labeled as someone who beats up their significant other, which could mean trouble at work, with family members, and in other relationships. It may also be published on social media, which could hurt your chances of getting a job in the future date.
Jail Time
You could face jail time if you are convicted of a domestic violence charge. Your sentence will depend on the severity of the crime and whether it is your first offense. If you have been convicted of domestic violence before, you may face a longer sentence than someone who has never been charged with this type of crime before. It is very important to hire Canberra Family lawyers to prove yourself wrong.
It May Impact Ongoing Child Custody Cases
It can greatly impact your case if you have a child custody case and are facing charges for domestic violence. If you are being accused of domestic violence, there is a good chance that the judge will rule against you in your child custody case. This means that your children could end up living with someone who abuses them instead of their mother or father who loves them unconditionally.
It May Affects Your Employment
If you are convicted of a domestic violence charge, you may be barred from working in certain fields or for certain employers. You may also lose your current job or be forced to resign if the charges become public knowledge. This can be devastating to someone trying to support themselves or their family. If you need legal help with a domestic violence case, contact Family lawyers Adelaide today.
A Conviction Will Go on Your Permanent Record
A conviction will go on your permanent record for the rest of your life. This means that it will show up if you are ever arrested again or if you apply for a job and they do a background check. This can make it hard to get jobs and housing and even volunteer with children or elderly people. A conviction may also prevent you from getting a security clearance or a visa to travel abroad.
It Will Make Getting a Loan or Mortgage More Difficult
Getting a mortgage or loan is one of the most important aspects of life. It's how you get to buy things like a house or car, and it helps your family become financially secure. Most people don't know that a domestic violence charge will make getting loans difficult. Lenders will still see it on your record even if the charge was dropped or if the case was dismissed with no conviction. This means they will be less likely to approve you for a mortgage or other loan product.
No matter the truth, the fact is that a domestic violence charge will come with some serious stigma. The court of public opinion will likely assume that you are guilty rather than innocent. And it does not matter if your Family lawyers Newcastle can prove your case to any judge. As many have found out before, it's hard to overturn the damage done by rumors once they spread far and wide.