Simple Tips to Reduce Hot Water Costs

When mapping hot water usage in your home, most of your hot water goes to your bathroom, in particular those longer winter showers, hot water use in your laundry and kitchen comes next, bringing your total hot water needs to around 15 to 20% of total household energy bills.
Knowing how you use water is the first step in cutting back on your energy costs.
With the squeeze on current living costs, the last thing Australians need is increased heating prices, yet that is what is on the cards. While turning off your heating isn’t an option over winter, there are a number of easy ways you can reduce hot water prices and keep your costs under control.
6 Tips to Reduce Hot Water Costs
Set your hot water thermostat to 60C
There is no need to heat water in your heater to more than 60C. Check the heater gauge and reduce the temperature if it’s higher than 65C. If you can’t find the gauge or don’t feel confident changing the settings on your hot water heater, ask a plumber for help.
Choose high efficiency
While energy-efficient appliances can cost more to buy, they give back in energy savings. Ratings are shown with a sticker displaying the energy rate as a number as well as by stars so it’s easy to compare at a glance. These ratings will apply to all your electrical appliances as well as the hot water system you choose for your home, including gas units.
Use your appliances effectively
As well as choosing energy-efficient appliances, make sure you use your appliances in the most effective ways
Not only do dishwashers reduce water and heating bills, but they also wash your dishes on a hotter setting than you can manage by hand.
Front Loader Washing Machine
Front-loader washing machines need less water to do the same job as top loaders, to the tune of around 50%. That also means any water you heat will be reduced too.
Quality Shower Head
As well as appliances, you can choose a high energy star rating on showerheads too. Reducing the flow rate with a new shower head isn’t possible for all homes, but those that are compatible will see big savings in water as well as heating costs.
Service your hot water system
Having a professional plumber who specialises in hot water to check your unit on a regular basis keeps it running at its best. You’ll see the best results and increase the life of your water heater as well.
Choose the right hot water heater
When the time comes to replace your existing system, don’t just swap like for like, consider how effective your current hot water heater has been in supplying hot water to your home.
A different heater type, size or style might have a more efficient output depending on how much hot water you use and what climate you live in. Your plumber can help break down your options.
Consider solar
There are some great packages and rebates available on solar PV systems for home rooftops and garages. Energy from the sun is a significant saving and reduces your need for paid energy. Solar units will also allow you to export unused energy back to the electricity grid.
Having access to hot water is important for health and vitality. Finding ways to reduce your costs shouldn’t mean going without. By making some careful choices and calling on expert help when needed you can increase your buying options that keep you in hot water for less.