How to Use Bubble Wrap to Protect Your Belongings

Bubble wrap is a soft material made from plastic, and it is used for packing items, especially fragile ones. It is a spaced, pliable material with air-filled hemispheres, which are protruded, and this is what gives cushioning to sensitive objects.
Bubble wraps come in a variety of sizes, and that is determined by the size of the object and the level of protection required. To provide adequate protection against shock and vibration, you can use several layers of bubble wrap. However, you can use only a single layer for surface protection.
Bubble wraps efficiently protect your items against scratches, dust, and dirt. They are relatively inexpensive and can be stored for an extended period. Bubble wrap is used extensively to protect items and equipment from damage, during home or office moves. Some people may not know about bubble wrap and the proper way of using it, and failure to use it appropriately can cause damage to the items you’re trying to protect. If you are one of such people, you are in luck today!
In this article, we will be guiding you on the right way to use bubble wrap to achieve the best result. Read on for more exciting information.
How to use bubble wrap to safeguard your belongings
1) Get a flat clean surface
This is a crucial step when wrapping any item with bubble wrap. Depending on the item, you need a space that will allow you to go around the item as many times as possible without bumping into other items like table decorations. It is essential to create adequate space for packing your item and your materials.
2) Lay the bubble wrap with the bubble side up
After clearing a flat surface and getting your packing materials ready, the next thing you want to do is to lay the bubble wrap and ensure that the bubble side is up. This will allow the pockets of air in the bubble to perform their function of protecting your fragile items. If the item is placed on the smooth surface of the bubble wrap, the bubbles can be popped in transit, which will defeat the entire purpose.
3) Be sure to use enough bubble wrap
It is vital to use as many rounds of bubble wrap as possible to protect your items. It will be heart-breaking for anyone to wait several days to have items shipped, only to find damaged goods when they finally arrive. Padding your items well will provide adequate protection against scratches and crashes.
Why should you use bubble wrap?
1) It’s easy to use
Bubble wrap is one of the most efficient packing materials that requires no prior knowledge or tools to use. All you have to do is wrap it around your item and secure the edge with tape.
2) It provides great protection
Bubble wrap protects your fragile items, unlike other packing options. It helps protect your items from dirt, dust, and especially damage. It also helps keep the moisture of your item for as long as possible.
3) It’s lightweight
Considering that it is made of air, bubble wrap is lightweight and does not incur an additional shipping cost.
Bubble wrap is an essential packing item that effectively protects your digital devices, glass decorations, items with sharp edges, etc. It is easy to use, affordable, offers layers of protection, and can be used repeatedly. We have outlined a step-by-step guide above on using bubble wrap; follow these tips, and transform your packing routine! If you require temporary or longer-term storage for your next residential or commercial move, contact Richards Removals & Storage.