How Mental Health First Aid Training Could Help You

What is Mental Health?
According to the World Health Organisation, mental health is “is a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.”
Mental Health is important and has come to the forefront of discussion after the COVID pandemic hit in 2019. The stigma associated with mental health conditions has declined dramatically in the past decade, and in turn through 2391 inspection and testing course, more help and services have become available
Mental health conditions include but are not limited to, Depression, Anxiety, Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder.
Depression occurs when people experience feelings of feeling sad, moody or low for extended amounts of time. Sometimes this can be for no reason. It affects your physical health as well as your mental health.
You can treat depression through therapy, medication, and other forms of support.
Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia. It is feeling stressed and worried often and affects the everyday lives of those that have it. It can happen to anyone and make it hard to cope with daily life.
Treatments for Anxiety include therapy, medication, lifestyle strategies and more.
Schizophrenia means that the person affected interprets reality differently than others. They can experience delusions, hallucinations and their behaviour can affect their daily lives.
Treatment is lifelong. If you believe yourself to be Schizophrenic or a loved one, book an appointment at your closest GP.
Formerly known as Manic Depression, this condition causes extreme mood changes. This includes the highest of highs and deep lows of depression. You may lose interest in things that once bought you joy, and episodes can last days or months at a time.
You will require a medical diagnosis to receive treatment. If you feel that you may be Bipolar or a friend or family member may be, see your medical professional for diagnosis.
Mental Health First Aid Course
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) teaches participants how to notice the signs of a mental health condition in a friend, family member or colleague. Would you know how to spot the signs of a mental health disorder or how to provide first aid in a crisis?
By completing a Mental Health First Aid Course, you will know how to recognise and respond to a range of symptoms of mental health distress, including where to go for help and available treatments.
What’s included?
* Depression
* Anxiety
* Psychosis
* Substance abuse
Mental Health Crises Covered:
* Suicidal thoughts and behaviours
* Self-harm
* Panic attacks
* Traumatic events
* Severe effects of drug or alcohol
* Severe psychotic states
* Aggressive behaviours
You will also receive a manual that you can take to help in situations where Mental health is a factor.
FirstAidPro offers a Mental Health First Aid Course and a MHFA Refresher for anyone wanting to improve their skills. The Mental Health First Aid Course just takes a couple of days and the refresher, just 4 hours.
Mental Health Support
Providing help to someone who may be struggling can save a life. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, in 2019, Australia had 3,318 deaths from suicide 2,502 of these were male and 816 female.
Suicide rates in Australia have steadily increased since 2006, so it is crucial to monitor those around you for signs and symptoms and get them professional help.
Mental Health Plan
A Mental Health Treatment Plan identifies what type of healthcare is needed for those with a mental health condition. The plan also outlines what the individual and their doctor are hoping to achieve.
You can arrange a Mental Health Treatment Plan at a GP appointment (keep in mind it will take over 20 minutes). The plan will provide rebates for up to 20 individual psychological appointments per calendar year until 30 June 2022.
After your first six appointments, you will need to see your GP again to review the plan.
Further Resources:
If you’re interested in Mental Health First Aid training, click here.