The Advantages of Dental Crowns

Maude Street Dental use dental crowns to help deal with varying oral health problems. From damaged teeth to the overall appearance, crowns can help in many ways to give you a natural solution to such issues. Some years ago, dental crowns were generally made from silver amalgam. However, Maude Street Dental can use either ceramic on metal or entirely ceramic crowns for front and back teeth to give a natural appearance. So much so that it is sometimes hard to tell the difference
Restorative Dental Work
Among some of the more common issues requiring crowns is tooth restoration for teeth that have been damaged, chipped, cracked or just worn down. A dental crown is a cap, which surrounds the tooth, offering stability to what might otherwise be incapable of supporting everyday use. With a dental crown, nothing can get to the tooth, enabling patients to bite down on food as usual, regardless of the damage or condition of the tooth underneath.
Despite this being a simple solution, it is one of the best options for patients to keep their teeth longer, as opposed to removing them. Although there are other tooth restoration options, such as veneers and bonding, we believe that dental crowns offer exceptional protection and stability that alternatives do not.
Those patients who wish to improve their appearance because they have one or more teeth that let them down, crowns may be of benefit. At Maude Street Dental, we offer cosmetic dentistry and often use dental crowns to adjust the shape or look of teeth. For instance, some patients’ have teeth that are too small for their frame, others have crooked teeth or gaps, and dental crowns can solve some of these issues.
As we mentioned before, because a crown surrounds the tooth, we can create a specific size and shape for each patient. Our expertise in shaping crowns that perfectly fit, offering the desired result, is extensive. Meaning that we can accomplish perfect results, time and time again. Ultimately, dental crowns are one of the most effective solutions we use to correct various problems.
Tooth Replacement
For tooth replacement, a dental crown would be a great solution. For instance, we can create a bridge to replace a single tooth without the need for any surgical procedure. In this scenario, the crown would be placed on the two teeth that surround the missing one. They serve as a bridge to hold the tooth in place on which the crown or synthetic tooth is attached. This complex system enables us to undertake tooth replacement, avoiding any invasive procedures. At the same time, the results provide a natural-looking result with the ability to eat without limitation. Maude Street Dental are your local specialists in dental crowns. If you'd like a quote or even some general dental advice, feel free to call.