
Australian business buyers have cash on hand, ready to tap into new opportunities

LONDON, April 8, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- BusinessesForSale.com - the leading marketplace for business buyers and sellers - recently conducted a survey on the Australian business buyer outlook. The survey uncovers some valuable insights into what entrepreneurs and business owners are looking for.

More than half of the respondents run their own business (53%), and 32% of respondents are in full time employment. Business owners are looking to diversify their income streams through expansion - testing the waters for profitable opportunities.

"As we emerge from two years of lockdowns and restrictions, it is no surprise that there is a new appetite amongst business owners to grow and expand through acquisitions," says BusinessesForSale.com Sales Director, Faye Ferris.

Around 70% of respondents are looking to buy a business, demonstrating a strong appetite for business ownership. The survey shows that 47% of respondents are first-time buyers, while 53% are experienced buyers looking for profitable targets.

Data demonstrates that buyers are interested in the following businesses:

  • Online and SaaS businesses
  • Digital communications
  • Fuel stations
  • Hospitality
  • Breweries
  • Child and elderly care
  • Food-related businesses
  • Manufacturing

"Due to unpredictable market conditions, buyers appear to be focused on businesses with less dependency on physical supply chains, and durable and resilient business models," Ferris emphasizes. "Of course, sectors that were severely impacted by the pandemic are still a valuable target, as they are consumer focused," she adds.

The survey also shows that 34% of respondents are interested in buying an online business. Most justifications lean towards low overheads, remote and flexible working conditions, convenience, lower risk, and a technological shift in consumer behaviour.

Data also demonstrates that 15% of respondents have capital in excess of $1m, where the majority (51%) have up to $250k.

More than one in seven buyers have more than $500k cash deposit to begin their investment journey, whilst over 71% of respondents have up to $250k to lay down on the table.

As the Australian economy stabilises post pandemic, buyers are ready to invest in opportunities with lasting prospects and high growth potential.

For more information about how you can buy or sell your business, visit https://australia.businessesforsale.com.

Other valuable information:

  • BusinessesForSale.com is owned by Dynamis Ltd, a privately owned company based in London. Its subsidiary company is Dynamis APAC Pty Ltd based in Sydney, Australia.
  • BusinessesForSale.com was established in 1996 and is now the world's largest platform for businesses for sale, with over 61,000 opportunities.
  • The site sees over 1.3 million visitors every month, including 75,000 monthly enquiries.

For further information about this topic, please contact:Faye Ferris faye.ferris@dynamis.com.au +44 (0)2073241937

Authors: PR Newswire

Read more https://www.prnasia.com/story/archive/3716550_AE16550_0

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